What is Dual Credit?
Students taking college classes while in high school may also be awarded high school credit for the high school equivalent of the college class. Students should contact their high school administrators about their school's policy.
What is the cost of Dual Credit classes?
The cost of courses taken from NDSCS by high school students may vary depending upon the high school financial support provided. Dual Credit students take college classes over ITV/IVN, online, on the Wahpeton campus, at NDSCS-Fargo and/or in their own high school.
NOTE: College credits are not the same as high school credits. Tuition/fees are charged according to the college credits awarded and how/where the class is delivered. See additional cost information here.
How do high school students get books for the college classes?
This may vary by high school, so students should contact their school administrator.
Does NDSCS have entry-level requirements?
Yes – students must be in grades 10, 11 or 12 and have a minimum GPA of 2.0.
NDSCS also has specific requirements for students taking college English or math classes:
- Students taking college English classes must have an ACT score of 18 or higher on the English or a combined score from ENGL and Reading that equals 35 or higher.
- Students taking college math classes must have an ACT score of 21 or higher on the math section of the ACT exam.
Students with scores lower than these need to take the ACCUPLACER exam and the better of the two test scores will be used. ACCUPLACER testing can be done at NDSCS Fargo, or Wahpeton or at another approved ACCUPLACER testing site. To schedule an ACCUPLACER test, contact the NDSCS Wahpeton Test Center at 701-671-2256 or karen.dahlgren@ndscs.edu or contact the NDSCS-Fargo Test Center at 701-671-3900 or ndscs.fargotest@ndscs.edu.
How do you transfer your Advanced Placement Credit to NDSCS for Dual Credit?
Credit By Examination: Students may demonstrate evidence of college-level achievement through the use of nationally standardized tests. Competency to take these examinations may have been gained through intense preparation in high school, extensive reading in a particular field, or other types of formal or informal preparation. Score reports must be sent directly to NDSCS from the awarding agency/board. High school transcripts and student-issued grade reports are not considered official for purposes of awarding credit by examination. Credit by examination is not counted towards the NDSCS residence credit requirement for graduation. NDSCS follows the credit by examination equivalencies and score requirements set by the North Dakota University System and State Board of Higher Education. To view the current credit by exam equivalencies and score requirements, please visit NDUS Pre-College Credits.
When does registration need to be completed? How do students get the registration and application forms?
The first step is to apply for admission at NDSCS if you are not currently taking a class for dual credit. Then you need to sign the Financial Obligation Agreement prior to being able to get yourself registered. Early each spring, students need to inform high school administrators which class(es) they intend to take from NDSCS in the coming year. NDSCS classes are offered by semester. The same class does not run all year like they might in high school. For example, students may take the same high school English class all year, but they may take two different English classes from NDSCS in that same year’s time. Application and registration instructions are mailed to the high schools, and they are located on the dual credit website under the Helpful Information link.
Can I take a class from NDSCS and not get high school credit for it?
Yes, students may take college classes while in high school without requesting credit from the high school for the class.
How do students drop a college class once they have registered?
Students who wish to drop a college class will do so through CampusConnection.
- If a student is taking more than one course and is only dropping one course, they may receive a 100% refund of tuition if the class is dropped within the first 8.99% of instructional days of the semester. After this time, there will be no refund for a dropped class.
- If a student is dropping all courses, a sliding scale tuition refund process is used.
- Click here to view the current Refund Schedule.
How do students get final grades for NDSCS classes?
Students can view their grades in Campus Connection by clicking on the Academic Records tile > View Grades > Select the semester you want to view.
Click here for instructions to request an official transcript.
Does the college transcript specify which courses are Dual Credit credit courses?
Do Dual Credit classes taken from NDSCS transfer to other colleges?
Yes, however you should always check with the receiving institution. Transferability of career and technical education classes should also be verified with the receiving institution.
To request your NDSCS transcript to be sent to another college, go to www.parchment.com and submit your request through the transcript clearinghouse. Click here to find additional information on the NDSCS “Request Transcripts” page.
Did you previously take a dual credit class(es) and need a syllabus for the course?
Additional Questions?
Please contact the Dual Credit office.