New Students

Determining and arranging academic accommodations is a partnership between the student, the instructor, and the Accessibility Coordinator. The student requesting academic accommodations is an active participant in the interactive process to provide reasonable accommodations that provide an equitable opportunity to participate in, while not fundamentally altering the courses, programs, services, and activities.

The student’s role in the interactive process is to discuss the impacts of their disability, provide information/documentation on an as-needed basis, and share what disability accommodations have worked in the past.

The Accessibility Coordinator’s role in the interactive process is to work with the students and their instructors to identify barriers to accessing the course, program, service, or activity and recommend reasonable accommodations that mitigate impact of the barriers but do not fundamentally alter the essential functions of the course, program, service, or activity.

The instructor’s role in the interactive process is to share their knowledge of the essential elements of the course or program. It is also the instructor’s role to contact the Accessibility Coordinator if they believe that the recommended academic accommodations compromise the essential requirements of a course/program or fundamentally alter a course/program.

Academic Accommodations

Academic accommodations are individualized and intended to minimize the impact a disability has had on your access to an educational setting. Some examples of academic accommodations are sign language interpreters, extended time on tests, and preferential seating in the classroom.

Steps to request academic accommodations at NDSCS:

  • Complete Application and return to Accessibility Coordinator
    - Request by email at or call 701-671-2623 or complete online.

    Accommodations application

  • Submit supporting documentation (via email, online, traditional mail, or fax)
    - NDSCS follows the Association of Higher Education and Disabilities (AHEAD) recommendations for documentation. No one type of documentation is preferred or guarantees accommodation approval. For more information, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator.
  • Schedule an intake appointment
    - Call 701-671-2623, email or schedule online here.
Residential Accommodations

Residential Accommodations are approved on a case by case basis. Some examples of residential accommodations are single rooms, dietary alterations to meal plan, and physical alterations to space. The process is different from academic requests.

Steps to request Residential Accommodations at NDSCS:

  • Contact Accessibility Coordinator at or 701-671-2623 for application.
  • Complete the application for residential accommodations
  • Have a qualified professional complete the NDSCS residential accommodation form and return to Accessibility Coordinator office.

The request for accommodations and the provision of the accommodation must be appropriate and timely. The Accessibility Coordinator will address requests for accommodations in a timely manner, but the institution cannot guarantee the availability of appropriate accommodations without ample lead time to make preparations and /or investigate resources.

For specialized services such as sign language interpreting and/or captioning, the request must be made via telephone, email, or in person at least 90 days in advance of date of service.

The accessibility office may need four to six weeks advance notice to process textbooks in an alternative format, arrange note taking service, or other such services.