
Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drug Prevention Biennial Review

North Dakota State College of Science is in compliance with the Drug-Free School and Campuses Regulation that requires institutions of Higher Education to conduct a biennial review of their Alcohol and Other Drug programs and policies (EDGAR Part 86).

2024 Biennial Review


American College Health Association - National College Health Assessment III (ACHA-NCHA III) 

The ACHA-NCHA III is a nationally recognized survey designed to gather accurate data on college students’ health habits, and behaviors. It covers a broad range of important health and wellness topics, such as substance use, sexual health, nutrition, exercise, mental health, personal safety, and preventive health practices. NDSCS first participated in this survey in Spring 2024 and will continue to administer it on a regular basis. 



2024 NDSCS State of the Class 

The NDSCS State of the Class provides NDSCS employees who work closely with students an illustration of some of the well-being factors that impact NDSCS students. The booklet uses NDSCS' average class size of 16 students to visualize the number of individuals who may be experiencing the well-being related behavior, experience, or belief. 

State of the Class Booklet