North Dakota State College of Science is committed to providing reasonable accommodations in courses, programs, services, and activities in a timely manner. NDSCS works together with students to identify reasonable accommodations that provide equitable opportunity to participate in educational programs.
Currently approved students with accommodations need to meet with the Accessibility Coordinator at the beginning of each semester or each 8-week session.
To schedule a meeting with the Accessibility Coordinator call 701-671-2623 or email
NDSCS views all materials pertaining to a student's disability as confidential. All disability information for each student including documents and correspondence are considered confidential. Access to this information is on a need-to-know basis and only used to assure appropriate accommodations. Student information can be released to faculty members, staff or advisors who are currently working with a student, as this does not disclose the nature of disability.
All written materials obtained by Accessibility Coordinator are:
- Used to verify the disability and plan for appropriate accommodations.
- Maintained in individual files and kept in a secure location available only to the Accessibility Coordinator or supervisor in their absence.
Student rights:
- Equal access to courses, programs, services and activities offered through NDSCS
- Equal opportunity to learn and to receive reasonable necessary accommodations
- Confidentiality of records and communication except where disclosure is necessary to arrange accommodations, required by law, or authorized by the student
- The ability to self-determine whether to seek disability services and whether to disclose disability-related documentation and information
- All rights and privileges afforded other students at NDSCS
Student responsibilities:
- Meet qualifications and maintain NDSCS standards for courses, programs and activities
- Self-identify as having a disability; seek information and assistance in a timely fashion
- Document how the disability limits participation in courses, programs, services and activities
- Follow NDSCS procedures for obtaining reasonable accommodations and services
- Contact Accessibility Coordinator with problems or concerns as they arise
NDSCS rights:
- Identify and establish essential functions, abilities, skills, knowledge requirements, and standards for courses, programs and services on which to evaluate students
- Request and receive current documentation that supports requests or accommodations and auxiliary aids and services
- Deny requests that lack sufficient documentation
- Refuse unreasonable requests that would create an undue burden on or fundamentally alter a program, course or activity of NDSCS
NDSCS responsibilities:
- When requested, provide information in accessible formats
- Provide reasonable accommodations and services in courses, programs, services and activities
- Maintain appropriate confidentiality of records and communication except where permitted or required by law or when the student requests that such information be shared
- Work together with students, faculty and staff to resolve problems or concerns in the accommodation process