How do I log on to electronic resources from home?
NDSCS Students, Faculty, and Staff: Use your NDSCS online login (firstname.lastname and Password) to access the ODIN system.
See: Off-Campus Access to Library Resources
How do I find databases and/or journal articles?
You will find links to library databases (with access to academic journal articles) on the Library's Resources webpage. There are different access points depending on what you need.
- “I need a database for my _____ class.” Go to the Library’s list of LibGuides (a.k.a. Research Guides). Each course LibGuide provides a curated list of recommended, subject-specific databases.
- “I need access to a specific database.” Go to the Library’s Electronic Resources A-Z list and search for the database using the first letter of the database name.
- “I need to find to a specific popular resource (for example, Films on Demand).” Go to the Library’s Resources page. Scroll down to Popular Resources and click on the database logo.
How do I sign into my library account?
You can sign into your library account from the library’s catalog.
Use your NDUS login credentials.
Does the library proctor tests?
The Library does not proctor tests but the Test Center does. The Test Center is in Old Main room 230. Go to the Test Center for more information.
Does the library offer GED classes?
Preparations for GED tests are offered at the Adult Learning Center in Old Main.
Instructor: Sergey Karamanov
For more information, please call: (701) 409-0285.
The Wahpeton Test Center offers GED tests. GED tests are given throughout the year by appointment. For more information, contact: Karen Dahlgren, (701) 671-2256, karen.dahlgren@ndscs.edu.
Can I print something in color?
No, the Library does not offer color printing. Print Services offers color printing services at affordable prices with quick turnaround. Print Services is located in Horton Hall.
Can I print from my laptop?
Campus printers are not set up to allow laptop printing. However, we suggest three workaround options that will enable students to print by migrating documents from their personal laptops to library computers. Note: Students must have NDSCS AD login credentials in order to use library computers. Three options:
- Save the document on your laptop to a flash drive. Note: The Library has four flash drives available for check-out. Speak to a library staff member at the circulation desk. Plug the flash drive into a library computer, open the document and print using the Library's printer.
- Email the document to yourself. Open your email on a library computer, open the document and print using the Library's printer.
- Upload your document to your OneDrive account, open your account on a library computer and print using the Library's printer.
Can I make copies?
Current NDSCS students, faculty, and staff can use the Library's scanner to scan pages to .PDF. After scanning, send .PDF via email or save to a flash drive. NDSCS students, faculty, and staff can log into library computers and print using the Library's printer.
Can I Fax something here?
No. Please visit the Customer Service Desk located in the Hektner Student Center.
I am not an employee or student at NDSCS. Can I park on campus?
Visitors can park in the visitor spaces located in front of the Library near the south entrance. If these spaces are filled, or if a visitor needs to park closer to another campus building, one-day parking passes are available at the Library's circulation desk. Please speak to a library staff member to request a pass. Please contact NDSCS Campus Police with any parking-related questions: (701) 671-2233.
How do I log on to Wi-Fi?
Access to the NDSCS Guest network is reserved for guests who come to campus and have no other means of getting on the network. Please contact the NDSCS IT Service Desk for the Campus-Wide Guest WiFi password (701) 671-3333. In the Library, speak to a staff member at the circulation desk.
Students and Employees
Students and employees must connect to the eduroam wifi. When prompted for your username and password enter the following:
- Username: your campus_connection_username@ndus.edu
- Password: your Campus Connection/Blackboard password
NOTE: Whenever you change your NDUS/Campus Connection username and password, you will need to log-in again to access wifi.
How do I log on to the student computers?
All students will log in to the library, classroom, and lab computers using their NDSCS AD username and password. If you have not activated your NDSCS AD account or do not recall your login information, you will need to go to the ITS Service Desk counter in the Hektner Student Center for assistance or contact them at 701-671-3333.
Loan Periods
Material | Loan Period |
Books | 3 weeks |
Magazines | 1 week |
CD, VHS, DVD | 2 weeks |
Games | 3 days |
Renewals may be made up to three times per item as long as no one else has requested the material. Patrons may bring the material to the library to be renewed or may use the self-renewal option in the library's catalog. For more information about self-renewal, please ask at the circulation desk. Items on loan are subject to immediate recall upon faculty request.
Fines and Fees
- The Library does not charge fines for overdue materials. However, there is an expectation that all library material will be returned in good condition by the due date.
- When a library item is three weeks late, it is considered lost, and the borrower is billed.
- Borrowing privileges are suspended until the matter is resolved - materials returned or bill paid.
- Failure to respond to notices and deadlines will result in collection action. A bill for the cost of each lost item plus a non-refundable $25 handling fee will be sent to the borrower and the NDSCS Business Affairs Office.
- The replacement cost for lost or damaged IS Media Equipment (such as video cameras and other high-value equipment) will be determined by NDSCS Information Technology Services staff.
- Items obtained via InterLibrary loan adhere to the policies set by the lending library.
Library Computer Use Policy
All users are expected to be aware of and to adhere to the NDUS computer policy.
Please read: North Dakota University System Computer & Network Usage Policy. Any patron who disregards the NDUS computer policy may be refused use of library computers. Library computers are intended for research purposes only.
- The primary use of library computers is database research.
- General Internet searches for additional research-related sources are permitted.
- Games, chatroom activities, and other unrelated, non-academic activities are not permitted.
- The Library does not take reservations for the use of library computers. First come, first served.
Who can use the computers in the Mildred Johnson Library?
- NDSCS students, faculty, and staff
- Minors are to be supervised by their parents. Unattended minors may be asked to leave the Library if their behavior is deemed inappropriate by library staff.
At the discretion of library staff, Mildred Johnson Library reserves the right to monitor screens, to suggest search strategies and to limit the use of library computers. Privacy of searching will be respected as long as the sensibilities of fellow library patrons are recognized and respected.
The Library provides access to both curriculum-based material and leisure material. The Library’s collection includes digital/electronic resources (academic journal articles, streaming videos, and eBooks), DVDs, CDs, board games, 3D models, magazines, newspapers, and print books.
The Library subscribes to The Fargo Forum and The Wahpeton Daily News and receives several North Dakota weekly papers free of charge.
Materials located within the public area of the Library are available for in-library use by all patrons. These materials and the materials kept in closed stacks or behind the circulation desk require a current NDSCS ID card for check-out and/or out-of-library use.
NDSCS Students
Present valid student ID
NDSCS Employees
Present valid employee ID
Retired Staff
- Reading room services for books and periodicals
- Free WiFi
- Scanner
Graduates of NDSCS
- Reading room services for books and periodicals
- Free WiFi
- Scanner