Business Management Digital Badges

Proof-of-Learning for resumes, portfolios, digital media

NDSCS Business Management Digital Badges make it easy for students to document and share individual achievements in learning. There is a significant value-added for students who earn badges. Students can accumulate multiple badges that can be used for resumes, electronic portfolios, scholarship applications, and more.

What’s a digital badge?

Think of them as stackable credentials. Each digital badge represents a special area of achievement.  Students use them to document particular accomplishments.  Instead of a patch to sew on a sash, digital badges are web links that can be attached to a resume, portfolio, or anything that accepts links

How it works

Each NDSCS Business Management digital badge has its own set of requirements that can range from passing an online exam to completion of sophisticated projects, to attending Collegiate DECA conferences. Instead of working for two years to pass that huge end-of-program exam, students can work on smaller pieces of the larger credential – and be recognized at each step along the way.
Each time an individual meets criteria for a given badge, s/he’ll claim it via a link in an email to which the student can then post on a private website. (Example: Once posted, each student may then access the website, copy the badge and its link, and post it to most digital media, including digital portfolios, resume’s, LinkedIn, and any of the many other social media sites popular at the time.
Each badge is linked to its own web page. Potential employers, transfer colleges, scholarship sponsors, or anyone with whom students choose to share their badges, can access a detailed badge description. Backed by challenging, research-based, assessment criteria, the documentation for each badge will give readers detailed information describing both the content that the badge represents and the specific requirements required to earn it (e.g., exams, projects, or documented experiences).

Differentiating digital badges

Digital badges utilize an online exam based on the National Business Administration Curriculum Standards. All exams will maintain a level of rigor appropriate for the type of badge being offered. Some badges will be based on exams that are more comprehensive in nature and/or may represent a higher level of difficulty (i.e., A*S*K Institute). Badges based on an individual standard or instructional area will consist of 25 questions. Exams at a course level will be 50 questions, while a program of study (end of program) exam will be 100 questions.

Examination Cut Scores

Cut Scores for Exam-Based Digital Badges are awarded on the basis of criterion based cut scores. While not yet statistically validated, these cut scores are based on experience with comparable exams and with data collected during the content validation. Further, these criterion-based cut scores determine badges independent of other examinees.

Standard/Instructional Area (Level 1 and Level 2 exams): 80%

End-of-Course (Level 3 exams) 70% (under development)

Program-of-Study (Level 4 exams): 70%

A*S*K Certifications (Level 5 exams):    (These are administered and awarded from an outside agency)

  • Certified High Achiever 70%
  • Certified Exemplary Achiever 90%

Instructional Area Exams – Level One

  • Communication Skills
  • Economics
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Financial Analysis
  • Information Management
  • Operations
  • Professional Development 

Instructional Area Exams – Level Two

  • Business Law
  • Customer Relations
  • Marketing
  • Project Management
  • Promotion
  • Selling

Collegiate DECA Badges

  • ND Fall Leadership Conference
  • ND State Career Development Conference
  • Engage Conference – New York
  • International Career Development Conference 

Program of Study (Taken in the spring of your final semester – choose one)

  • Standard Marketing 
  • Standard Business Management and Administration 
  • Standard Finance

ASK Certifications (To be offered to advanced-level students who score greater than 80% on the end-of-program examination)

  • Fundamental Business Concepts
  • Fundamental Marketing Concepts
  • Concepts of Finance
  • Concepts of Entrepreneurship/Management