Consumer Information/Student Right to Know

The Student Consumer Information regulations of the U.S. Department of Education require higher education institutions to provide students access to certain information to which they are entitled as consumers. NDSCS’s intention is to provide complete and easy access to any information students need. For questions about this information, contact the Student Affairs Division Office at 701-671-2258.


NDSCS is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission through the Open pathway. For more information please visit

Americans with Disabilities Act

Student Financial Services does not discriminate on the basis of disability, as mandated by Section 504 and the ADA. For students with disabilities, contact the Accessibility Services Coordinator located in the Mildred Johnson Library, Room 215, phone 701-671-2623.
Americans with Disabilities Act

Book Charging

If you have verifiable Financial Aid to cover the cost of your items, you may charge your textbooks, supplies and tools at the NDSCS Bookstore. No clothing or gifts (with the exception of backpacks) can be charged to your Financial Aid.

Code of Ethics & Conduct

The North Dakota State College of Science Financial Aid Office has adopted the NASFAA (National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators) statement of Ethical Principles as their Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.

Code of Ethics
The primary goal of the financial aid professional is to help students achieve their educational goals through financial support and resources. NASFAA members are required to exemplify the highest level of ethical behavior and demonstrate the highest level of professionalism.

We, financial aid professionals, declare our commitment to the following Statement of Ethical Principles. 

Financial aid administrators shall:

Advocate for students

  • Remain aware of issues affecting students and continually advocate for their interests at the institutional, state and federal levels.
  • Support federal, state and institutional efforts to encourage students, as early as the elementary grades, to aspire to and plan for education beyond high school.

Manifest the highest level of integrity

  • Commit to the highest level of ethical behavior and refrain from conflict of interest or the perception thereof.
  • Deal with others honestly and fairly, abiding by our commitments and always acting in a manner that merits the trust and confidence others have placed in us.
  • Protect the privacy of individual student financial records.
  • Promote the free expression of ideas and opinions, and foster respect for diverse viewpoints within the profession.

Support student access and success

  • Commit to removing financial barriers for those who want to pursue postsecondary learning and support each student admitted to our institution.
  • Without charge, assist students in applying for financial aid funds.
  • Provide services and apply principles that do not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, age, or economic status.
  • Understand the need for financial education and commit to educate students and families on how to responsibly manage expenses and debt.

Comply with federal and state laws

  • Adhere to all applicable laws and regulations governing federal, state, and institutional financial aid programs.
  • Actively participate in ongoing professional development and continuing education programs to ensure ample understanding of statutes, regulations, and best practices governing the financial aid programs.
  • Encourage colleagues to participate in the financial aid professional associations available to them at the state, regional, or national level and offer assistance to other aid professionals as needed.

Strive for transparency and clarity

  • Provide our students and parents with the information they need to make good decisions about attending and paying for college.
  • Educate students and families through quality information that is consumer-tested when possible. This includes (but is not limited to) transparency and full disclosure on award notices.
  • Ensure equity by applying all need-analysis formulas consistently across the institution’s full population of student financial aid applicants.
  • Inform institutions, students, and parents of any changes in financial aid programs that could affect their student aid eligibility.

Protect the privacy of financial aid applicants

  • Ensure that student and parent private information provided to the financial aid office by financial aid applicants is protected in accordance with all state and federal statutes and regulations, including FERPA and the Higher Education Act, Section 483(a)(3)(E) (20 U.S.C. 1090).
  • Protect the information on the FAFSA from inappropriate use by ensuring that this information is only used for the application, award, and administration of aid awarded under Title IV of the Higher Education Act, state aid, or aid awarded by eligible institutions.

Code of Conduct
Institutional members of NASFAA will ensure that:

1. No action will be taken by financial aid staff that is for their personal benefit or could be perceived to be a conflict of interest.

  • Employees within the financial aid office will not award aid to themselves or their immediate family members. Staff will reserve this task to an institutionally designated person, to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.
  • If a preferred lender list is provided, it will be compiled without prejudice and for the sole benefit of the students attending the institution. The information included about lenders and loan terms will be transparent, complete, and accurate. The complete process through which preferred lenders are selected will be fully and publically disclosed. Borrowers will not be auto-assigned to any particular lender.
  • A borrower’s choice of a lender will not be denied, impeded, or unnecessarily delayed by the institution, even if that lender is not included on the institution’s preferred lender list.
  • No amount of cash, gift, or benefit in excess of a de minimis amount shall be accepted by a financial aid staff member from any financial aid applicant (or his/her family), or from any entity doing business with or seeking to do business with the institution (including service on advisory committees or boards beyond reimbursement for reasonable expenses directly associated with such service).

2. Information provided by the financial aid office is accurate, unbiased, and does not reflect preference arising from actual or potential personal gain.
3. Institutional award notifications and/or other institutionally provided materials shall include the following:

  • A breakdown of individual components of the institution’s Cost of Attendance, designating all potential billable charges.
  • Clear identification of each award, indicating type of aid, i.e. gift aid (grant, scholarship), work, or loan.
  • Standard terminology and definitions, using NASFAA’s glossary of award letter terms.
  • Renewal requirements for each award.

4. All required consumer information is displayed in a prominent location on the institutional web site(s) and in any printed materials, easily identified and found, and labeled as “Consumer Information.”
5. Financial aid professionals will disclose to their institution any involvement, interest in, or potential conflict of interest with any entity with which the institution has a business relationship.

Adopted March 2014

College Navigator

The U.S. Department of Education is required to post 26 items on the College Navigator website for each school.

Consolidating Loans

Under provisions of the Ensuring Continued Access to Student Loans Act ("ECASLA"), lenders have the option to "PUT" (sell) loans to the U.S. Department of Education (DOE). Lenders must notify borrowers if their loans have been sold to the Department of Education. We have been notified by all major lenders historically used by our families that they intend to sell or have already sold their loan portfolios to the Department of Education. Currently enrolled students with Federal Stafford, GradPLUS or PLUS loans should pay particular attention to the option to consolidate all of their prior federal loans into a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011. A Consolidation Loan allows you to combine all the federal student loans you received to finance your college education into a single loan. Borrowers will be able to consolidate all of their prior Stafford, Grad PLUS or PLUS Loans through the Federal Direct Consolidation Program. For more information visit

June 2010

Equity in Athletics

The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act is intended to make prospective students aware of a school’s commitment to providing equitable athletic opportunities for its men and women students. The Report on Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data can be obtained from the athletic department located in the Clair T. Blikre Activities Center.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

FERPA is a federal law which was passed in 1974. The law protects the privacy of student educational records and provides rights to students for access to and amendment of those records. FERPA applies to any higher educational institutions receiving federal funds administered by the Department of Education.
FERPA information in the Guide to Student Rights & Responsibilities

Graduation Rates

The Higher Education Act of 1992 mandated that all U.S. institutions receiving Title IV funding complete the IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) Survey each year to the National Center for Education Statistics. The IPEDS graduation rate survey data is based on a 3-year graduation rate for each cohort of full-time, first-time degree seeking undergraduates.

While reviewing this information, please keep the following in mind:

  • All graduation rates are based upon 3 years of attendance which equates to 150% of the normal completion time of our longest program.
  • These charts do not identify the reasons why our students withdrew; therefore, students who withdrew for personal or medical reasons are included.
  • Graduation rates do not include students who left school: to serve in the armed forces, on official church missions, with a foreign aid service of the federal government, or students who died or were totally disabled.
Cohort Fall 2018
(2015 cohort)
Fall 2019
(2016 cohort)
Fall 2020
(2017 cohort)
Fall 2021
(2018 cohort)
Fall 2022
(2019 cohort)
Graduation Rate 49% 46% 48% 41% 43%

For more information about student graduation rates please contact the Division of Student Success at 701.671.2258. For more IPEDS graduation rate information visit

Wellness & Health

NDSCS has a wide variety of health and wellness services available right on campus. Additionally, NDSCS is an Alcohol, Tobacco and other drug free campus in accordance with EDGAR 86. Click to view more information on the ATOD policies and prevention information.

The North Dakota State Board of Higher Education requires students to provide:

  1. Proof of two MMR immunizations (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) before being accepted into North Dakota colleges. A titer for MMR immunity can also be used for this requirement (usually completed on women during pregnancy).
  2. All newly admitted students ages 21 and younger residing in campus housing must provide documentation of immunity against meningococcal disease. One dose must have been given after the 16th birthday.
  3. International students are required to complete TB testing upon admission.

Click to view more information regarding immunization/vaccinations policies.

Higher Education Opportunity Act

The Higher Education Opportunity Act (Public Law 110-315) (HEOA) was enacted on August 14, 2008, and reauthorizes the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA). The HEOA contains various reporting and disclosure requirements for all institutions of higher education.

National Student Loan Data System Reporting Policy

NDSCS reports all required data to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is the U.S. Department of Education's (ED's) central database for student aid. NSLDS receives data from schools, guaranty agencies, the Direct Loan program and other Department of ED programs. NSLDS Student Access provides a centralized, integrated view of Title IV loans and grants so that recipients of Title IV Aid can access and inquire about their Title IV loans and/or grant data.

For student access visit

Transfer Credits

Click to view transfer to NDSCS information.

Retention Rate   

NDSCS cares about students and provides a wide variety of services and support to bolster student success. Below is an overview of the IPEDs student retention rates for the past five years. Retention rate data was collected by IPEDS starting for Fall 2003/2004. Since then the highest retention rate has been 80% (2008/2009), with the lowest year being 60% (2003/2004). 

Year 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24
Cohort 550 626 613 614 669 654
# Retained 388 422 429 430 473 515
% Retained 70.51% 67.41% 69.98% 70% 71% 79%

The Higher Education Act of 1992 mandated that all U.S. institutions receiving Title IV funding complete the IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) Survey each year to the National Center for Education Statistics. The IPEDS retention rate survey data is based on each cohort of full-time, first-time degree seeking undergraduates.

For more information about student retention rates please contact the Division of Student Success at 701.671.2258. For more IPEDS retention rate information visit

Placement in Employment

Job placement information on NDSCS students is available through the Student Success & Career Services office and can be found here.

Price of Attendance

Price of attendance at NDSCS can be found here.

Refund and Return of Title IV Funds

The Department of Education requires NDSCS to maintain and publish a written policy regarding federal financial aid recipients who withdraw or otherwise fail to complete the term for which their financial aid was disbursed.

View Refund and Return of Title IV Funds policy.

Safety & Security Information

Safety is an important issue for the NDSCS community. Each member of the campus community – students, faculty and staff – should take an active role in preventing and reporting incidents that jeopardize safety on and around campus.
Annual Security Report & Fire Safety Report

Student Body Diversity

View the NDSCS Student Profile Report.

Student Loan Information

A loan is a form of financial aid that must be repaid with interest. The three types of Education Loans that are available are the Federal Direct Loan and Federal Perkins Loan (student loans) and the Federal Direct PLUS Loan (parent loan). These loans have specific regulations and interest rates that are set and monitored by the Department of Education.

The North Dakota State College of Science began participating in the Federal Direct Loan program beginning with the summer semester 2010. If you borrow a Federal Direct Loan or a Parent PLUS Loan for the 2010/2011 academic year, your funding will come directly from the Federal government.

Private or Alternative Loans

Private or alternative loans are also available. However, they are not associated with the Federal government and are offered directly through lenders and normally carry a higher interest rate. It is highly recommended that a student use all of their title IV federal loan eligibility before pursuing private loans.

The lenders and loan options presented in FASTChoice were selected for the excellent terms and benefits they provide to borrowers. NDSCS has worked with these lenders in the past, and previous borrowers had positive experiences working with them. 

To determine which lenders and loan options to present, we recognize only those lenders who provide you with exceptional customer service, excellent incentives (e.g., low interest rates, no origination fees, and loan principal reductions), timely processing, and electronic funds transfer capabilities when possible. 

You are free to choose any lender, including those not presented. If you choose a lender that is not presented, please contact the financial aid office. Application processing will not be delayed unnecessarily if you choose a lender not presented. 

Our official are prohibited from accepting any financial or other benefits in exchange for displaying lenders and loan options in FASTChoice. Prohibited activities include: receiving compensation to serve on any lender board of directors or advisory boards; accepting gifts including trips, meals, and entertainment; allowing lenders to staff our institution's financial aid office; allowing lenders to place our institution's name or logo on any of their products; and owning of lenders' stock (for college officials who make financial decisions for our institution).

Students do not have to borrow from a lender on this list.


Private Education Loan Disclosures

Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z) February 14, 2010

Requires disclosures for loans and credit plans, but exempts Perkins Loans and Federal Family Education Loans. Loans made, insured or guaranteed pursuant to programs authorized by Title IV are exempt. See 12 C.F.R. § 226.3(f).

NDSCS, upon an enrolled/admitted student's request for a private education loan self-certification form, will provide to applicant in written or electronic form:

  • Self-certification form developed by ED
  • The information required to complete the form, to the extent the institution possesses such information

NDSCS will submit to the Department of Education an annual report of preferred lender arrangements. This report will be made available upon request to the public, and to current and prospective students.

June 2010