North Dakota State College of Science (NDSCS) announced today that the College will start a new class of Associate in Applied Science Registered Nursing (AAS RN) students every fall beginning in 2019. The additional class starts will produce 22 nursing students annually, an action that directly addresses the region’s nursing workforce shortage. NDSCS will soon begin seeking additional nursing instructors to meet the existing and expanded instructional needs of the department.
NDSCS began the AAS RN program in August 2017 with a cohort group of 22 students who will graduate in May 2019. NDSCS offers two nursing program options in addition to the AAS RN program: the Associate in Applied Science degree in Practical Nursing with a new class beginning each fall and spring semester, and a Registered Nursing (Associate in Science in Nursing) program for qualified AAS Licensed Practical Nurses to obtain their Registered Nursing degree, with a new class starting every fall semester.
The projected employment in 2024 for registered nurses in the state of North Dakota is 10,442, a 2.2% annual percentage change from 2014, with 403 estimated annual openings.* In the past year, 166 nursing job openings were posted on the NDSCS job website, with 41 of those openings in North Dakota. There are more than 500 Registered Nursing job openings posted on the Job Service North Dakota website.
Registered Nursing graduates from the 2016-17 academic year reported a 100% placement rate, while Practical Nursing graduates had a 97% placement rate.* NDSCS nursing graduates typically achieve a first time-pass rate of 94-100% when taking their National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX).
Additional information about NDSCS nursing programs can be found online at ndscs.edu/nursing, or by calling 701.671.2981. Individuals interested in joining NDSCS as a nursing instructor should direct inquiries to the Human Resources department on the Wahpeton campus at 701.671.2903.
*Data Sources:
Labor Market Information Center, Job Service North Dakota, Projections Unit
NDSCS 2017 Placement Report (ndscs.edu/placement)