Henry and Mary Ann Loock, Wahpeton, were among the locals getting a unique treat Monday, Oct. 31. John Deere students from North Dakota State College of Science, under the supervision of Larry Ashman, cleaned up yards in the city. Connie Brandt, Wahpeton, sent in these photos of the students. They tended to the lawn belonging to her neighbors on Second Street North, the Loocks. ‘Congratulations to their community service,’ Brandt wrote. Who could disagree with that? ‘Getting these students out in a positive light and raking helps bring the college to the public and lets folks know that we appreciate them and their service to the college and the community. It’s our way of paying it forward,’ said Tyler Slettedahl, John Deere tech program coordinator.
Article written for Wahpeton Daily News on November 1, 2022.
Photo submitted by JD Tech faculty member, Larry Ascheman.