NDSCS completes $13 million campus water, sewer infrastructure project

NDSCS arch

North Dakota State College of Science celebrated the completion of a $13 million campus water and sewer infrastructure replacement project today. This two-year project focused primarily on replacing the majority of the campus underground water and sewer lines and repairing or replacing several streets and parking lots on campus. Additional outcomes of the project included improved outdoor lighting and security, safer pedestrian walkways, enhanced fire protection, and updated signage and beautification initiatives across campus.

The project was funded with $13,298,000 in state appropriations from 2015-2017 capital assets funding during the 64th legislative assembly. NDSCS was able to significantly address its deferred maintenance with this project and saw an approximate 20% reduction in deferred maintenance.

The project included:
• Addition of a new, iconic arch at the south entrance to the Wahpeton campus.
• Removal of 82,000 square yards of bituminous asphalt. This is the equivalent of 230 basketball courts.
• Installation of 25,000 linear feet of pipe. This is five miles, or the equivalent of 25 times around the OJ and Dee Jensen track at the Earl “Skip” Bute Stadium.
• Enough concrete to fill the Clair T. Blikre Activities Center.
• Planting of 380 trees, numerous areas of shrubs, plants and native grasses.
• Restoration and reseeding of 17 acres.

Bolton & Menk, Inc. of Fargo was the engineer of record for this project. KPH Inc. of Kindred was the prime general contractor, and Scott’s Electric of Wahpeton was the prime electrical contractor. Approximately 15 sub-contractors also performed work for this project.